Human Centered Innovation
Our fundamental philosophy about designing innovation
to help your organizations innovate
Why Innovesia
Many reasons you can trust us to help your organizations innovate.
Grow your team capacity
to be innovation ready
Ensuring your business to always keep innovating must start with building the capacity of your team. Our innovation workshop module will help your core team to have the right mindset and to be innovation-driven ensuring your business growth sustainably.
See Our Workshop Stories
Formulate the right innovation strategy
Every business has its own characteristic and nature in identifying the right innovation strategy. We customize our approach to your specific needs and goals to formulate the most suitable strategy for their business innovation.
See Our Advisory Stories
Our Services
Our services range from fundamentally build innovation capacity to
advising strategic sustainable innovation development for your organization.
Our workshops and trainings for building team's capacity on innovation mindset with innovation by design modules.
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Curation of innovative
ideas and talent
to solve organization's challenges and intensive mentoring sessions
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Series of advisory sessions
from inception of innovative ideas, product launch, and formulate innovation-investment strategy
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Our Approach
Our secret recipes in designing sustainable innovation for your business.
Infuse the right mindset and empathy to develop innovative mindset based on human’s needs.
Equip the right methodology and systematic approach on human centered design for growth mindset
and better solution
Enable innovators to collaborate with people from multiple background in solving problems by collecting creative ideas from different perspectives.
Innovation in the Era of
Industrial Revolution 4.0
We are very proud to initiate the first incubation program that
helps innovative talents and ideas focuses on building
Industrial Revolution 4.0 technologies.
Our Achievements
Our innovation journey with various organizations has resulted in amazing experiences and experiments.
Lets Innovate Now
Get in touch with us, and lets discuss how might we help
your company to innovate